Saturday, July 4, 2009

What Do I Do when My Love is Away...

Hello dearies,
At the moment I'm on the train. Yes, that's right - the public transport. Why? I'm currently experiencing the '24-hr in a day is not enough' period. I've been wanting to update the blog since (about) 2 weeks ago, but there was always something that failed me to do so.
Oh, btw, thank you so much for being such an understanding reader - although I've been MIA since ages ago. Cited reason: uni work was unbelievable overwhelming. But I'm glad it's over - and my hard work paid off.

I must say I've been feeling quite lost & uninformed in the glossy world. Had not read a magazine and all my faves blogs for a long time. My glossy fix in the past month only included glancing outside the newsagent window at the displayed latest issues, and outdated Cosmoplolitan mags at work. I'm trying to catch up now (and that's probably why I think 24 hours would never be enough to gulp down everything; on top of many other things I have to do. Like, sleeping for a healthy 8 hours...)

But I'm glad to be back... A lot has happened since last month:
Selena Gomez on Teen Vogue followed by Emma Watson this month, Nylon Music issue, Michael Jackson passed away, Rove McManus got married, Taylor Swift dominated the local teen magazines cover and what is with RobPatt/KStew relationship?, New Moon trailer is out (I'm not very excited about it) and latest Harry Potter movie is coming to the cinemas! (yay!)

I was meant to get the August issue of Teen Vogue (Back to School) but someone bought it before I do. And there was only a copy in the shop. I might buy it when I get a chance to.
For now, I'll enjoy the July issue of RUSSH (beautiful cover featuring Katie Fogarty).

Stay tuned for more.

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